Jacob's Anatomy
Phu! What a week we've had! Since we got back from the andamans it's been quite exhausting being Melissa Kron and Jacob Norstrom. Right now I (Melissa) am sitting in KIMS (Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences) library beeing very very quiet. I've allready been Schhht three times in five minutes even though no-one is here accept the woman who works here. Oh well. For those of you who doesn't know about our little situation don't worry. We came here directly after the seventeen hour train aka "The train journey from hell" were Jacob vomited and had diarrhoea a couple of times every hour. We managed to get through it and arrive in Trivandrum. And then hop in to a taxi that took us straight to KIMS. We arrived to these two big buildings (check the linked website above) that just looked amazing and we were so happy to finally be here. We went in and within five minutes Jacob was lying down in a real hospital bed (that actually fit him! Something you can never take for granted) surrounded by a very nice doktor and three nurses in the emergency room. Withing ten minutes they had allready recommended that we should stay for the night. We were slightly shocked but very relieved because by now the time was seven o'clock in the evening and Varkala (which is the next stop) is about an hour away from here. So we stayed for the night. After Jacob got antibiotics and IV we got shown up to the room. At first we thought we we're just taking a pit stop i a little lounge before we got to our room. But then we saw one big hospital bed and one small bed and understood that this was our room! The room was decorated with a leather couch and armchair, a flat screen tv, a mini-fridge, a table and some chairs and in the other end of the room there was a door to a very nice bathroom with a amazing shower. We can order food when ever we want and the staff here is just amazing and apparently people come to India, to Kerala, to this hospital to get all kinds of surgurys. So we're allmost or we are actually honoured to be here! Anyway we just talked to the doktor and we will be staying one more night (totally three nights) here and tomorrow we're off to Varkala. We'll keep you all posted on this hole thing! At the time Jacob is absolutely fine, not fully recovored and still a bit week (the man has lost about 5 kilos the past week).
So that is whats up with us! I'm glad you like the pictures! Now I should hurry back to Jacob!
Lots of love to you all!
Hi you two, so sorry you were so ill Jacob, bet thats a train journey you'll want, but never forget. Great pics, what fantastic places you've seen. Are you ready for home yet? Looking forward to your next blog. Keep safe. Abi xxx (& the rest!!!)
Johanna visste inte hur rätt hon hade ang styra upp med SOS. JAg ringde dit i söndags kväll o de var mkt hjälpsamma (ev för att jag råkade nämna att det handlade om Johannas lillebror:))o fixar alla kostnader. Måtte du nu hålla dig frisk - karantänen väntar här hemma:)Enligt tips från Indienresenär får ni inte missa the Backlands med sötvattenhumrar (utan amöbor) kram!
Christina o Fredrik
fem kilo på en vecka? tror jag ska skaffa mig en liten amöba innan jag kommer hem till sverige... haha!
nej, för fasen, hoppas allt blir bättre med dig jacob, så att ni kan till fullo njuta av resten av resan. kul att ni fått komma till ett så fantastiskt sjukhus!
lycka till i fortsättningen! njut!
vi ses snart!
Krya på dig Jacob!!
Ät lite kall ravioli (direkt från burk!), torra obakade bullar, en blodapelsin och drick lite kallt kranvatten så ska du se att du mår mycket bättre! ;)
Hoppas allt är bra med dig också Melissa! Njut av sista två veckorna nu så ses vi snart!!
Tjingeling Melissa och Jacob! Indinen är mycket speciellt, vänligt, härligt finns en fantastisk humanitär medmänsklighet. Men den där eländiga amöban fanns även på 70-talet, så ta hand om Jacob och dig själv Melissa.
Kortet från dig till Jenna ligger på hennes bord. Vi syns snart. Kramar från Ramlösa.
Tobias: Haha du det slutade pa 8kg pa 1 vecka!
CJ: Konstigt nog kan jag faktiskt sakna lite harligt kall brukravioli ;)