Four flat tires, one missed train and a panic attack later

Hey everyone! Puh! I have SO much to tell you. Right now we're in Varanasi and having a great time but it took a lot for us to come here...

It all started on wednesday when we were supposed to go to Arga but we had some truble with our car so we didn't leave Ranthambore until thursday morning. After about an hour in the car on very bumpy roads we stoped in the middle of nowhere in a village - there was something wrong with the engine... After about 30 minutes there we left... only to about half a km away get a flat tire. We switched tires and then stoped again to fix the otherone... To make a long story short... we had three flat tires, we had to stop three times to fix the other tire, we stoped eight times on a journey that was about 250 km long. It took us 8 hours. When we got to Arga we had to rush to the Taj Mahal because it closed at 4.30!!! We ran and got just in time, we hadn't been to the toilet for all those hours and we where dripping with sweat. So we came, we saw, we wounderd about and thoght about how much whiter the Taj Mahal looks on all those pictures (we we not very impressed) and then we got back to our driver who was waiting for us outside.

At the time we thought we had a lot of time until our train was supposed to leave (about halv past eight). So we drove of to get our train tickets and we stop at this marble-shop (they get comission for taking us to some stores). After a five minute visit we get out to the car and then our driver tells us that we don't have any time to go to our hotel because the train station is an hour away. At this point we were so mad that we allmost burst into tears!!! We convinced him that we actually had time and that we really needed to go to the toilet and take a shower. After all that "your the boss"-talk he did as we said and we went to the hotel and took 30 minutes to do what we had to do. We had no time to eat (we had only eaten breakfast and a small bag of crisps for lunch) or do anything else. Allthogh Agra didn't look to nice from the car. We got to the train station a good hour before we should (you know me) and had dinner outside in a dump with only indians around. It was dark and getting a bit cold. We took a seat at the ground on our platform and waited for our train. Just before hitting the train we met a large group of danish seniors from Copenhagen and we started to talk to them. And they were also going to Varanasi and allmost had the same seats as us so we thought we would tag along with them... In the meantime a train came in and we started to doubt that we were going on the same train as the danish senoirs. We asked someone and at the same time the train started to move. We started to run to see if we could find our coach number (apparently this was our train!!!), without any luck. We had missed our train. We started to panic a bit, this station was not an ideal place to pull out your sleepingbag and stay over night and it was quite far from Agra.

While panicing one of the danish seniors came and told us that she thoght that they had a few seats left. We talked to the danish guide and he said that it was possible to arrange something. A big discussion started between us, the danish guide and someone working at the trainstation as our new train was coming in. We hopped on the train and got talking to a very nice conducter who basically said "we'll figure this one out! no promblem!". We jumped and gave thing loads of thanks and airkisses, we were so relifed! We had to pay 2700 Rs (Less than 500 kr) but we were so happy anyway!

We arrived to Varanasi at five o'clock in the morning, we thanked the danish seniors and the guide and said our goodbyes. Next mission was to find our driver who was supposed to pick us up. We were so tired that we gave up after about a quarter of an hour later and took a riksha to our hotel.

What a freakin' day!!!! We were so stressed out! And I still am a bit just by writing about it.

After a few hours of sleep we had some breakfast we met som New Zeelanders (?) and went down to the trainstation to book some tickets together. So now we have a ticket from Varanasi to Bombay tomorrow that takes about 26 hours, then we have a night in Bombay and the day after that (9 of march) we have a train to Trivandrum (south of India) that takes about 30 hours. It feels so good to have the tickets in our hands! We ready to go! The train is not bad. Quite nice (tank svensk liggvagn till are), so mum please don't worry!

Varanasi is treating us good, done some great shopping and this morning we went on a boat on Gagnes during sunrise - really nice! Now were going to a really nice resturant just by the river to sit and enjoy life!

Very long update, sorry!

Lots of love to you all!

(we'll maybe catch a internet cafe in Bombay otherwise you'll hear from us in Kovalam)

Postat av: Robert och Kate

Oh my goodness, what a day!!! Or two!! I am so glad I don't know whats going on until its over!! Men det låter som om ni har det bra nu, jag måste googla Varanasi. Kim & Co kommer idag, vi bloggar lite senare och lägger upp lite bilder - har ni svårt att lägga upp bilder?

Ha en underbar lördag i Indien!!! Kram mamma

Postat av: Christina

Puh vilket äventyr!Håller med Kate - skönt att slippa veta allt! Antar att rundturen med egen bil o chaufför är slut nu? Tänk att ni snart är på väg till södern - ni har ju bara varit borta 2 veckor, men för oss känns det mycket längre! Idag är det kallt, sol o vindstilla, har varit o tränat o nu har vi en lång härlig lördag framför oss - liksom ni har! Många kramar mamma Christina o pappa Fredrik

2010-03-06 @ 11:36:06
Postat av: Sivor

Vilket äventyr!

Men ni klarade det! Bra gjort!



2010-03-07 @ 17:40:54
Postat av: Abi

Hope this works M, but want you to know your blogs are appreciated and enjoyed. We are loving hearing about your adventure. Keep them up. Have fun, stay safe. Abi xxxx

2010-03-08 @ 15:49:01
Postat av: Sivor

Säg ett program på Tv igår. Heliga kor ger helig avföring. Den formar man till bollar som man sedan släpper i huvudet på den som står närmast. Det var flera som delto frivilligt i denna aktivitet.

Har ni sett något liknande?

Ha en bra fortsatt resa!

Massor av kramar från


2010-03-08 @ 16:42:44
Postat av: Christina

Såg just ett Aktuellt-inslag om barnen i Slumdog Millionaire som fortfarande bor i slummen vid järnvägen i Mumbai - apropå Oscarsgalan. Vi tänker på er!!

Många kramar

Mamma Christina

2010-03-08 @ 21:35:27
Postat av: Johan Forslund

Tjena Jacob!

Min dator har gått sönder så har inte kunnat kommentera. Nu har jag som tur är fått upp våran äckligt slöa gamla familjedator så jag kommer från och med idag följa eran blogg slaviskt som det var tänkt.

Sjukt avundsjuk på er efter att ha läst igenom allt. Små missöden får man nästan räkna med, det är de som gör det intressant att resa. Hoppas ni får det riktigt najs i södra indien nu och att ert backpackerliv tar fart på riktigt ;)

Kram och puss

2010-03-10 @ 13:58:14
Postat av: Kimberley

Grattis på födelsedagen gumman!! idag tänker vi extra mycket på dig! Nora ville baka en tårta, gott i och för sig men kändes lite overkill när du inte ens är här :) Längtar efter dig jättejättemycket. Va rädda om er! Puss från oss

2010-03-12 @ 09:29:35

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